Scriu din trairi, din fapte, din asteptari, din iubiri pierdute, din iubiri visate, din viata, din tot ceea ce inseamna "a respira".
Hai sa traim respirand lucrurile cu adevarat valorose.

vineri, 13 ianuarie 2012


♥ Adele ♥  

Adele has got to have one of the most brilliant voices I have heard in my entire life. Her version of this song touches something in me that I have blocked, sheltered, and put barbed wire around. This kinda makes believe in the hunger of love again.

♥ I just


the way

 this woman 

sings. ♥ 

♥ Her voice pulls at my heart no matter what she is singing. 
I close my eyes and I let her voice roll over my soul. She is rare. ♥ 

 ♥ and 

this song

 is for 

a special person ♥

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